True traceability, at your fingertips.

Your one-stop shop for avoiding costly compliance risks and supply disruptions through:

  • Custom business solutions using technology
  • Automation for any kind of company
  • Creating cloud infrastructure for any company
  • Scale up your business and sales with next gen technology
  • Custom business solutions using technology
  • Automation for any kind of company
  • Creating cloud infrastructure for any company
  • Scale up your business and sales with next gen technology

Jupitor AI Solutions


Agriculture Solution

Achieve sustainable farming and agriculture with integrated tracking, of the highest quality, control, and protection. Source-level data all in one place ensures compliance of ingredients and materials.


Tracing Solution sit amet

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Quis aute iure reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint obcaecat cupiditat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.


Climate Solution

You can ensure the validity and reliability of carbon credits and offsets by utilizing climate accounting software that incorporates real-time data. Jupitor is one such platform that allows you to prove the authenticity of these credits and offsets.


Compliance Solution

Achieve full traceability and compliance with the help of Jupitor innovative solutions. With real-time data, Jupitor enables you to prove the provenance and compliance of every material or ingredient by tracing it back to its source. This ensures complete transparency in your supply chain and helps you meet all necessary regulations and standards.

Strategic Partners

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